Welcome to the website of Kadi4Mat, the generic and open source virtual research environment.
Kadi4Mat, or Kadi for short, is a generic and open source virtual research environment. Originally developed in the context of materials science, Kadi4Mat can be used for the management of any type of research data within different research disciplines and use cases. Its goal is to combine the ability to manage and exchange data, the repository component, with the possibility to analyse, visualise and transform said data, the electronic lab notebook (ELN) component. The focus on the repository component is on warm data, i.e. unpublished data that is yet to be analysed further, while in the ELN component it is on the automated and documented execution of heterogeneous workflows via an application programming interface (API). In this way, a customizable framework is created that facilitates good research data management (RDM) practices and collaboration between researchers.
Further information:
- Kadi4Mat at RDM@KIT
- Kadi4Mat in the Helmholtz Research Software Directory
- Kadi4Mat in the ELN Finder
- Use of Kadi4Mat at the Division MFM (TU Darmstadt)
The Cluster of Excellence for Post-Lithium Storage POLiS employs Kadi4Mat as integral RDM platform. In that context, guides were created that give an overview of RDM, describe the usage of Kadi4Mat for FAIR RDM, sketch the theory and methods of RDM, and answer frequently asked questions.
Finally, a series of tutorial videos was produced, which shows how to use the basic functionality of Kadi4Mat for building up a flexible and customisable research data management solution. Furthermore, it shows how to publish data via Zenodo, a public, open source research data repository.
This video was produced in the context of the FestBatt project and shows an overview of the cluster-wide research data management as well as corresponding data science applications.
Kadi4Mat is being developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as part of several research projects, including:
- FestBatt, the Cluster of Competence for Solid-state Batteries, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant number 03XP0435D.
- POLiS, the Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under project number 390874152.
- AQua, the Battery Competence Cluster Analytics/Quality Assurance, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant number 03XP0315B.
- MoMaF, the Science Data Center for Molecular Materials Research, funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK-BW) under grant number 34-7547.222.
- NFDI4Ing, the National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under project number 442146713.
Main publication:
Brandt, N., Griem, L., Herrmann, C., Schoof, E., Tosato, G., Zhao, Y., Zschumme, P. and Selzer, M., 2021.
Kadi4Mat: A Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science. Data Science Journal, 20(1), p.8. DOI:
Managing FAIR Tribological Data Using Kadi4Mat (2022)
Generating FAIR research data in experimental tribology (2022)
Structured Data Storage for Data-Driven Process Optimisation in Bioprinting (2022)
KadiStudio: FAIR Modelling of Scientific Research Processes (2022)
KadiStudio use-case workflow: Automation of data-processing for in situ micropillar compression
tests (2023)
Strukturiertes Management von Forschungsdaten in den Ingenieurwissenschaften (2024)
While everyone can deploy an instance of Kadi4Mat themselves, listed below are all instances of Kadi4Mat currently hosted at the KIT:
Institute of Nanotechnology (INT)
Michael Selzer
Kadi4Mat at the IAM/INT
Feedback may also be sent tofeedback-kadi4matlists.kit.edu